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easements/imagery2019metadata_20cm (MapServer)

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Service Description:

The Stewardship Lands Imagery (SLI) program provides NRCS with remote sensing resources for the management of conservation easement lands through compliance and ecological monitoring. The NRCS has over 22,800 conservation easements covering over 5 million acres. The NRCS is required by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board in the Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 29 (SFFAS 29) to annually monitor the condition of NRCS stewardship lands. Condition, relates to reporting landowner compliance with deed terms related to ownership of stewardship lands by the Federal Government. To facilitate the reporting requirement, the NRCS acquires digital high-resolution, 20 cm GSD, 4-band, ortho-rectified fixed wing aerial imagery to ensure compliance of NRCS easements enrolled in the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program-Wetlands Reserve Easements (ACEP-WRE), the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program-Agricultural Lands Easements (ACEP-ALE), the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), Grasslands Reserve Program (GRP), Healthy Forests Reserve program (HFRP), Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP), the emergency Watershed Program-Floodplain Easements (EWPP-FPE),the Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program (EWRP), Other Stewardship Lands (OSL) and the SLI Vexcel source. NRCS uses digital high-resolution imagery to strengthen the integrity of monitoring on conservation easement lands using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies and photo interpretation.

Purpose: To provide easements imagery acquisition collection information and locations.

Creation Date: 20190101-20191331

Publication Date: 20241113

Revision Date:

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Version: 1.0.0

Change Log: Service Deployed

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Map Name: 2019


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Layers: Description:

The Stewardship Lands Imagery (SLI) program provides NRCS with remote sensing resources for the management of conservation easement lands through compliance and ecological monitoring. The NRCS has over 22,800 conservation easements covering over 5 million acres. The NRCS is required by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board in the Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 29 (SFFAS 29) to annually monitor the condition of NRCS stewardship lands. Condition, relates to reporting landowner compliance with deed terms related to ownership of stewardship lands by the Federal Government. To facilitate the reporting requirement, the NRCS acquires digital high-resolution, 20 cm GSD, 4-band, ortho-rectified fixed wing aerial imagery to ensure compliance of NRCS easements enrolled in the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program-Wetlands Reserve Easements (ACEP-WRE), the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program-Agricultural Lands Easements (ACEP-ALE), the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), Grasslands Reserve Program (GRP), Healthy Forests Reserve program (HFRP), Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP), the emergency Watershed Program-Floodplain Easements (EWPP-FPE),the Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program (EWRP), Other Stewardship Lands (OSL) and the SLI Vexcel source. NRCS uses digital high-resolution imagery to strengthen the integrity of monitoring on conservation easement lands using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies and photo interpretation.

Purpose: To provide easements imagery acquisition collection information and locations.

Creation Date: 20190101-20191331

Publication Date: 20241113

Revision Date:

Refresh Cycle:

Version: 1.0.0

Change Log: Service Deployed

Report Service Errors

Copyright Text: USDA-NRCS-NGCE

Spatial Reference: 102100  (3857)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

Resampling: false

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

Supported Operations:   Export Map   Identify   QueryDomains   QueryLegends   Find   Return Updates