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ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
Service Description: FPAC-GEO developed the land change analysis tool (LCAT) to provide high resolution land cover maps derived from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). These data are used by agencies within FPAC, USDA and academia to monitor agricultural activities, execute farm bill programs, assist with digital soil mapping and ecological site investigations, aid conservation easement monitoring, quantify disaster response, wildlife habitat monitoring and reducing wildlife-aircraft interactions around major domestic airports. As LCAT land cover data is inherently NAIP based, it has similar properties to its source imagery. LCAT land cover classes include barren, cropland, forest, grassland, shrub, urban, water, wetlands and ice. These classes were selected from a combination of the National Land Cover Database and USDA Farm Service Agency -common land unit (CLU) land cover types.
Purpose: To provide land change analysis tool (LCAT) to provide high resolution land cover maps derived from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP).
Creation Date: 20170101-20171231
Publication Date: 20240726
Revision Date:
Refresh Cycle: Periodically as new imagery becomes available.
Version: 1.0.0
Change Log: Service deployed.
Report Service Errors
Name: land_use_land_cover/lcat2017
Description: FPAC-GEO developed the land change analysis tool (LCAT) to provide high resolution land cover maps derived from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). These data are used by agencies within FPAC, USDA and academia to monitor agricultural activities, execute farm bill programs, assist with digital soil mapping and ecological site investigations, aid conservation easement monitoring, quantify disaster response, wildlife habitat monitoring and reducing wildlife-aircraft interactions around major domestic airports. As LCAT land cover data is inherently NAIP based, it has similar properties to its source imagery. LCAT land cover classes include barren, cropland, forest, grassland, shrub, urban, water, wetlands and ice. These classes were selected from a combination of the National Land Cover Database and USDA Farm Service Agency -common land unit (CLU) land cover types.
Purpose: To provide land change analysis tool (LCAT) to provide high resolution land cover maps derived from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP).
Creation Date: 20170101-20171231
Publication Date: 20240726
Revision Date:
Refresh Cycle: Periodically as new imagery becomes available.
Version: 1.0.0
Change Log: Service deployed.
Report Service Errors
Single Fused Map Cache: false
XMin: -1.30526824166E7
YMin: 2814042.911499998
XMax: -8905145.8166
YMax: 6286049.111499998
Spatial Reference: 102100
Initial Extent:
XMin: -1.30526824166E7
YMin: 2814042.911499998
XMax: -8905145.8166
YMax: 6286049.111499998
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -1.30526824166E7
YMin: 2814042.911499998
XMax: -8905145.8166
YMax: 6286049.111499998
Spatial Reference: 102100
Pixel Size X: 0.6
Pixel Size Y: 0.6
Band Count: 1
Pixel Type: U32
RasterFunction Infos: {"rasterFunctionInfos": [{
"name": "None",
"description": "Make a Raster or Raster Dataset into a Function Raster Dataset.",
"help": ""
Mensuration Capabilities: Basic
Has Histograms: false
Has Colormap: false
Has Multi Dimensions : false
Rendering Rule:
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Copyright Text:
Service Data Type: esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric
Min Values: N/A
Max Values: N/A
Mean Values: N/A
Standard Deviation Values: N/A
Object ID Field: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 200
type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Category
, Coded Values:
[0: Unknown]
, [1: Primary]
, [2: Overview]
, ...6 more...
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: CenterX
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: CenterY
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Length
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: Shape_Area
Default Mosaic Method: Northwest
Allowed Mosaic Methods: NorthWest,Center,LockRaster,ByAttribute,Nadir,Viewpoint,Seamline,None
SortValue: null
Mosaic Operator: First
Default Compression Quality: 75
Default Resampling Method: Bilinear
Max Record Count: 1000
Max Image Height: 4100
Max Image Width: 15000
Max Download Image Count: 20
Max Mosaic Image Count: 20
Allow Raster Function: true
Allow Copy: true
Allow Analysis: true
Allow Compute TiePoints: false
Supports Statistics: true
Supports Advanced Queries: true
Use StandardizedQueries: true
Raster Type Infos:
Name: Raster Dataset
Description: Supports all ArcGIS Raster Datasets
Has Raster Attribute Table: true
Edit Fields Info: null
Ownership Based AccessControl For Rasters: null
Child Resources:
Raster Attribute Table
Key Properties
Raster Function Infos
Supported Operations:
Export Image
Download Rasters
Compute Histograms
Compute Statistics Histograms
Get Samples
Compute Class Statistics
Query Boundary
Compute Pixel Location