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snippet: This data set contains metadata for the land change analysis tool (LCAT).
summary: This data set contains metadata for the land change analysis tool (LCAT).
extent: [[-109.067022435874,31.308855393981],[-89.0568662698108,43.0669565058818]]
accessInformation: USDA-NRCS-NGCE & USDA-FSA
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: <div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span>FPAC-GEO developed the land change analysis tool (LCAT) to provide high resolution land cover maps derived from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). These data are used by agencies within FPAC, USDA and academia to monitor agricultural activities, execute farm bill programs, assist with digital soil mapping and ecological site investigations, aid conservation easement monitoring, quantify disaster response, wildlife habitat monitoring and reducing wildlife-aircraft interactions around major domestic airports. As LCAT land cover data is inherently NAIP based, it has similar properties to its source imagery. LCAT land cover classes include barren, cropland, forest, grassland, shrub, urban, water, wetlands and ice. These classes were selected from a combination of the National Land Cover Database and USDA Farm Service Agency -common land unit (CLU) land cover types.</span></p><p><span>Purpose: To provide land change analysis tool (LCAT) to provide high resolution land cover maps derived from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP).</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Creation Date: </span><span>20240517</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Publication Date: </span><span>20240517</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Revision Date: </span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Refresh Cycle: </span><span>Periodically as new imagery becomes available.</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Version: </span><span>1.0.0</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Change Log:</span><span> Service Deployed</span></p><p><a href='' target='_blank' style='text-decoration:underline;'><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Report Service Errors</span></a></p></div></div></div>
licenseInfo: USDA
title: lcat2022_metadata
type: Map Service
tags: ["US","LCAT","imagery","v1"]
culture: en-US
name: lcat2022_metadata
guid: 31E0818C-8EF4-4EA7-A895-719E7707758C
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere